Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Some Facts About The Titanium Ring And The Metal In It

To some, titanium is just another element available here on Earth, but it is much more than that. If you want to understand it fully, you need to delve deep into its characteristics and specialties. It shows a naturally grayish colour, but jewellery manufacturers can bring out its luster by polishing it. The strength of this metal surpasses others, and it maintains its shape no matter how rough the conditions are. Many metals used in jewellery cause skin problems but not this one. Its melting point is approximately three thousand and thirty-four degree Fahrenheit. As you can understand, manufacturers need to heat it to extremely high temperatures to melt it down.

1.        Highly proven: This metal is growing steadily in the category of jewellery, and it beats all other minerals in the history of ornaments. The huge customer base of titanium ring and all other jewellery manufactured by TATIAS bear proof of this fact. This metal dominates every market it enters, even in products for sports like tennis rackets, golf clubs, bicycles, and even in marine hardware and computer cases.
Titanium Ring
Titanium Ring 

2.      Extreme durability: The sturdiness of a titanium ring remains unmatched. The weight to strength ratio of this mineral is higher than any other known element. It can also be surprising to you that most space venturing crafts have a structure made of this metal. So, it is not astonishing if your manufacturing organization provides a warranty of five years or more with any jewellery item of this metal.

3.       Noble and virtuous: Gold and platinum have been the only two metals in control of the genre of noble elements. After almost three thousand years, titanium has become a member of the club and is competing well against its two rivals. Some jewellery aficionados have also gone as far as to say that if this metal made its appearance before gold and platinum, then it could have been the ruler of the market of jewellery.
Titanium Ring
Titanium Ring 

4.          It is fashionable: A heavy demand is flooding jewellery manufacturing companies regarding the stylish grey tones of platinum, but now it’s relatively cheaper counterpart is here to steal that popularity. It provides the flair of platinum without the bewilderingly hefty price tags. This metal is currently at the forefront of the community of jewellery designers.

5.      Inertness is good: The inertness of this metal allows the medical world to embrace it. Its superior bio-compatibility makes it not only great for jewellery but also for the manufacturing of surgical implants and instruments. Its inertness makes it entirely resistant to corrosions and abrasions. It shows no reaction to brine, body chemistry or sunlight.

It is a wise choice: The traditional precious metals are costly mostly because of their weight and combined with the labour charges. You have to pay at a rate of per gram for the rare metals, but titanium is one that is abundantly present on Earth. Other than that, the time required to produce a ring for a man is as same for a woman’s ring, which is less wide than the man’s. So, the price of wedding bands made of this metal is quite affordable. Most people believe that inexpensive items are of low-quality. You have to understand that jewellery and ornaments are where the exception steps in. A product of this metal will be much better than a platinum one which will start to lose its shine soon enough.



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